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Several points to pay attention to when installing photovoltaics power station, More earlier more better

Aug 08, 2024

Recently, with the increasing green and environmentally friendly economic benefits, solar photovoltaic power plants have attracted more and more funds to enter the photovoltaic industry or third-party financial investments. Although the installation contracts and construction companies are now very complete and formal, everyone should still pay attention to the following points to avoid being deceived

Exaggerated advertising, false advertising

Unscrupulous merchants or enterprises promote their own photovoltaic modules as having good quality, long service life, and no need for after-sales maintenance for 25 years, exaggerating their cooperative brands and guiding installation.

Price trap

Some companies and unscrupulous merchants introduce their products through low-priced and high-quality materials, but in reality, the main and auxiliary materials used are all obsolete or defective. Therefore, it is important to identify in advance and not be misled by cheap and low-priced content

Contract Trap

When signing a cooperation contract, some photovoltaic companies directly involve third parties in the terms, and users may think that they are only cooperating with the photovoltaic company. In fact, there are other investors who conceal or obscure other terms. Users who are unclear will be kept in the dark and sign cooperation contracts in confusion.

Construction quality is worrying

Some businesses, in order to reduce costs, should have used high specification materials instead of general quality materials. In addition to poor quality, there are also some companies that cannot meet the standards due to construction conditions, unscientific design, and unreasonable construction, resulting in various minor problems after installation

How to avoid being deceived

Understand the market situation

In the early stage of installing a photovoltaic power station, it is recommended to compare and observe various online platforms or visit the official website of the cooperating brand. You can ask the brand's official customer service to check whether the local agent is legitimate and whether they have the conditions for construction. Also, inquire whether they can fully act as an agent for grid connection and maintenance in the later stage, and whether the installed brand is made of high-quality materials.

Choose reputable brands and merchants

Choosing a reputable brand and photovoltaic company for cooperation is the most important point. Choosing a local photovoltaic company with strong capabilities can not only reduce many unnecessary troubles, but also relieve oneself of worries after installation.

Carefully read the terms of the contract

Before signing the contract, conduct more on-site inspections and walk around to observe the installed and operating photovoltaic power plants. Carefully read every clause of the contract, raise any objections in a timely manner, and ask the cooperating party to provide reasonable explanations.


Summary: Photovoltaic is a very green and sustainable development project. When installing, you should choose a local legitimate photovoltaic company, choose your own suitable mode for installation, read the contract carefully, understand the component brand and auxiliary material quality, and finally, be sure to ask about the after-sales service situation.

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